Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dobby the house elf

If your a Harry Potter fan like me you should know who this is if you don't well 1st GO WATCH THE 2ND MOVIE! 2nd this is Dobby the house elf. Dobby is in 2,6,and 7. Or Chamber Of Secrets, Half Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows. Well most of it.Hope you read the books and watch the movies:)

wasp facts

This is a wasp some wasps are harmless and others are not.The Yellow Jackets are mean and sting you no mater what.But regular wasps won't well unless you bother them.If you are quiet and don't make any sudden movements your fine.But if your like me well three simple words RUN! Be safe:)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Twig The Fairy

This is a fairy from the renaissance festival.She is a fairy and a mermaid. She gives out little fairy stones.You can say i'm awesome and she will give you something awesome I think.She doesn't talk but to see her you have to search hard because she wonders around a lot I mean a lot I had to wait until the very end to she her. If you see her you can get a picture with her and she is awesome. Hope you can go bye:)